Account Help
If you have questions about your account or specific settings in your account, you’ve come to the right place!
Account Settings and More
Our membership resources are growing everyday. Check out some of the most viewed below.
Storied Account Settings
Learn how to navigate and adjust general Storied account settings
Need to Contact Us?
Our dedicated support team is ready to assist you with any questions or needs.
Confused by a Charge on Your Credit Card?
This guide has the answers to your questions!
How do I change my account settings on Storied?
To change your account settings on Storied, log in to your account and go to the account settings page. From there, you can update your profile information, change your email address or password, and manage your privacy and security settings. If you need additional assistance with account settings, you can contact our customer support team for help.
What should I do if I'm having trouble using Storied or accessing my account?
If you’re having trouble using Storied or accessing your account, first check that you’re using the correct login credentials and that your internet connection is stable. If you’re still having trouble, contact our customer support team for assistance. Our team can help troubleshoot technical issues, answer questions about how to use the site’s features, and provide guidance on how to get the most out of your Storied membership.
Have a question? Ask away!
Email our team at [email protected] with your questions or call us at (800) 848-0224.