Guest Post by Kenneth R. Marks of The Ancestor Hunt

In my opinion, online newspaper research is more of an art than a pure science. However, that does not mean that it should be undisciplined. On the contrary, the best way to waste your time is to perform research with no discipline. Sure, when you get a new name in your tree (or not yet in your tree), it is fun to just enter a name in a generic search box and fire away. 

But you need to keep track of your searches, your varying search criteria, and your results. Documentation is the key to success. And that is why a Research Log is so important. The next page includes a newspaper research log template. You should be using it or a variation if you wish to personalize it for your own use.

Here are the elements of a useful Newspaper Research Log:

Free Newspaper Log Resources from The Ancestor Hunt

Are you ready to try it yourself? Here are two free resources to get you started:

Try NewspaperArchive Free for 7 Days

Ready to try your hand at using a newspaper research log to search? Head to for a 7-Day Free Trial to see what you can uncover in our newspaper collection.

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